31 May 2011
mermaid lagoon
you cant really get a good picture of the starfish
because the tide was high and the waves were
coming in pretty hard. & these ones in low water
might all be dead, spencer touched one and it was hard.
dead patrick (sponge bob) spencer put him
on this rock and i thought it was mean...
round trip we ran about 5 miles today up and
over the bridge is a total killer. we celebrated
with an awesome brownie sundae then we
biked another 7 miles to a friends house.
i love having to walk and bike everywhere i go
it is so refreshing, the weather is impeccable
right now. i even got a little sunburned today
today was a real good day.
yeah those are totally bald eagles crying in the trees.
you can here them everywhere, it's the best.
one time at mcdonalds i was watching about
15 bald eagles fly over head, doing their little whistle
cry. so i started whistling like them and one swooped
down right by me! it was such a thrill. spencer told
me if i kept it up they were going to come grab me
by the back of my shirt and fly me to one of those
islands. what if? that would be the greatest ever.
30 May 2011
the wow factor
the "sun station" where the fun beings...
just call him charlize theron
liv and marky mark
29 May 2011
28 May 2011
why i couldn't bring myself to blog last night
26 May 2011
d-town came to our town
nighty night world,
team sitka
25 May 2011
the day that felt like a kick in the pants
i told spencer that we needed to do a kissing picture so everyone knows we still love each other (really i was just trying to steal a quick kiss) but of course he does something funny and i know elora will love this one.
he did it, he really did. he told me he "really tried" smiling for this one. he is so handsome.
24 May 2011
eternal sunshine of the sleepless mind
the sun was still out so we snapped a few photos
this is the harbor right by our house on the way to totem park
is still up and wake up at 3 am and it's back up again.
when you go big you have to hide your identity
ringo and sherm
p.s. i was pulling for mr preferred/dr thunder/the male brazilian for spencer but i think that nickname good ol' kathleen from our scary apartment gave him is gonna stick. sherman it is.
tuesday afternoon
-us in sitka
23 May 2011
sandy beach
what a beautiful little get away beach we have here in sitka! we felt like we were on vacation, digging our toes in the sand and even getting a little sun burned! it was our first time touching the ocean and it was great. on the way back to our pad we stopped at mcdonald's for a spicy mc chicken, after i gagged for about an hour while we watched about 50 bald eagles fly over head. where else in the world are there mickey d's on a harbor where you can sit and watch bald eagles? it is amazing. we went to a little league baseball game tonight and had the greatest time with our new friends from the ward. today i am grateful for the sun and for my body that functions properly so i am able to ride my bike into the wind and feel like a child.
p.s. i'm learning to cook and or bake... i've made no bake cookies AND rice crispy treats so far. spencer tells me i'm the best at baking treats that you don't have to bake, i think i've found a hobby.
22 May 2011
maggie moo
we skyped with the swalberg's and lulu and madis tonight. i wish i would have gotten pictures of lou lou and may may. this little one was all smiles when i showed her the shishy nemo dory shirt that is waiting for her in sitka, all she needs are 2 plane tickets for mama and pappi. how can you say no to that face? maddie really wants to go to sitka to see her favorite aunty!!! i am so grateful for my amazing family, spencer and i are really blessed.
missing my loved ones,
aunt wussy and uncle batoo
21 May 2011
wait, olivia what is that?
in love,
friends don't let friends eat farmed fish
20 May 2011
we went to find the starfish
life is good.
19 May 2011
del sol means "the sun"
nighty night xxXooOxxO
livvy lu
p.s. elora... you cursed me with a bladder infection. but don't worry, i got my perscription filled at harry race's where they serve milkshakes at the pharmacy. doesn't sitka have it all figured out??
18 May 2011
whew, we did it
did you hear the news? it's pretty exciting
we did it guys. and we're still alive to tell the tale.
spencer & i made it to our 6 month anniversary today.
a very happy and very andventurous 6 months.
we've learned a lot and we loved a lot.
two lucky ducks, i tell ya
who love each other
a whole lot.
S + O
today was a great day. went by so fast.
2000 australians + 500 t shirts + 200 nail polish bottles + $$$ = 2 happy managers in sitka.
tomorrow two ships come in. wish us luck!
danielle is coming to help us out bless her soul, i think we'll make the
dream team.
fingers crossed,
olivia the ex newly wed
p.s.up ^ there that first paragraph the crazy one, you see it? i spent an hour shaping it to a heart, when i published this post it smashed my art into a broken heart. that's why it's so goofy lookin. but i'm still keeping it, for old times' sake.
17 May 2011
20.00 for diarrhea, please.
don't be too jealous,
16 May 2011
sitka has newsies
liv & spence too