31 May 2011

mermaid lagoon

today we went to john brown beach

probably the greatest day we've had

we actually saw starfish, lots of them.

i prentended to be little mermaid

but instead i just looked creepy
you cant really get a good picture of the starfish
because the tide was high and the waves were
coming in pretty hard. & these ones in low water
might all be dead, spencer touched one and it was hard.

dead patrick (sponge bob) spencer put him
on this rock and i thought it was mean...
round trip we ran about 5 miles today up and
over the bridge is a total killer. we celebrated
with an awesome brownie sundae then we
biked another 7 miles to a friends house.

i love having to walk and bike everywhere i go
it is so refreshing, the weather is impeccable
right now. i even got a little sunburned today
today was a real good day.

yeah those are totally bald eagles crying in the trees.
you can here them everywhere, it's the best.
one time at mcdonalds i was watching about
15 bald eagles fly over head, doing their little whistle
cry. so i started whistling like them and one swooped
down right by me! it was such a thrill. spencer told
me if i kept it up they were going to come grab me
by the back of my shirt and fly me to one of those
islands. what if? that would be the greatest ever.

p.s. i've been trying to upload the video i wrote

about up there crying bald eagles and such.

i've tried for 2 hours to get it to upload and it wont.

cross your fingers that it will tomorrow,

olivia and spencer as the photographer


cody & allison said...

maddie would love the star shishies! maybe i will talk cody into it? a little sunburn sounds great. i wish i was forced to ride/walk it would get me off this here computer once and a while. really i am supposed to be working. working is for the birds i say.

cody & allison said...

ps i think you did a great ariel shot. i love that spence with play along (or does he come up with the ideas for all the pictures?) i love him in the wow factor post.