20 August 2011

oh man

spencer jump roping with a 4 foot jump rope 
oh how i'm going to miss this guy.  going from spending every second of the day with someone to not seeing them for 6 weeks is pretty shocking to the system, and it's only the first day.  and when he's as great as that ^ it's really something else.  spencer packed up all his stuff last night while i layed in bed and sulked, i feel bad about that one.  then this morning he woke up and gathered all his luggage, i stumbled down the hallway ate some cereal in silence with him, walked him down the stairs where the cab was waiting, kissed him goodbye and locked the door behind him.  i felt like i was in a dream world, i went upstairs and layed on the couch and cried.  then i told myself to quit being a ninny, get up, get showered and change my tude.  and i've had quite a great day!  work has been slow and i've been able to prepare my talk i get to give in sacrament tomorrow, my peanut butter and jelly tasted exceptional and my cold chai tea hit the spot like nothing else.  so far so good. 




Eric and Julia Jacob said...

Wait, where is Spencer going for 6 weeks?

Liz said...

i'm sorry you guys are apart for so long, that really stinks. love ya.

cody & allison said...

You gave yourself some advice granny p would have of she was here. I am glad you are able to see the good when things are hard. Spence told us you killed your talk just like mom does everytime she does something ha ha love ya wussy

Mimi Rat said...

Jon went on a 10 day trip at the first of our marriage and it almost put me over the edge.

One bit of advice - don't go snooping through his old journals - it doesn't make anything better hahahaha