10 July 2011

reelin in the crab pots

here's chuck teaching the boys how to read the chart
the view on the way out to the crab pots

chuck reelin in the crab pots, they were all female so we

had to throw them back in, but it was so fun and the

weather was unbelieveable. it was a perfect night.

& these two little rascals were lighting off bottle rockets

as they sped past us on their little boat. i love them.

we were chased home by this beautiful sunset. it was such a fun and relaxing night. spencer even got to drive the whaler while chuck reeled in the crab. oh what an adventure this has been.

peace and love.

olivia&the captain


cody & allison said...

Cody was having to hold back the tears when I showed him real life fresh crab and he can't be there. I sure like those young bucks and their dad from what I know they sound like good people to me!

Alexis said...

OHHHHH so that is chuckles! haha it just made the story that much better seeing chuckles in the flesh with the son. gip i love you. tell chuckles to fly me up there, isn't he the one that is always hookin it up with crab leg meals and that? i'm sure he'd be down.