03 July 2011

fry bread and fireworks

in sitka they know how to celebrate the 4 of july! fry bread and fireworks at midnight were just what the doctor ordered for this gal and guy. in sitka they set up these little tents like a fair at the elementary school, instead of like 1,000 tents at pioneer park there were like maybe pushing 10 and they all sold "fry bread" or scone, however you like to pronounce it! and it was so delicious. spencer and i wandered over to the fair to get some goodies to eat, spencer ate home made tamales with rice and beans. i on the other hand wanted to eat some filipino food, so i ordered 3 beef kabobs with 2 sweet rice balls. big mistake, the beef kabobs were tiny and i found what looked like a fish bone in it! the rice balls took about 45 minutes to make and just weren't what i was expecting but i'll never forget it and might even order it again for a memory! we worked late and still had to wait 4 hours until fireworks started at midnight! so we played words with friends (scrabble) and watched the only movie we own "prince caspian" twice. spencer woke me up and i stumbled through the house put on my winter coat and xtratufs and we headed to the bridge for some good ol fashion fireworks to celebrate this great land we live on. a tradition spencer and i have is eating arby's while we watch fireworks, although we weren't able to do it this year fireworks over the water sure made up for it. god bless america!!!

xo. swallys

1 comment:

jon and em said...

the little squeaks first 4th of july came and went without fireworks. boooooo. we had a bad thunderstorm that kept us home.

fireworks over the water reminds me of the 24th of july at lake powell.

love it.