or koomallit, however you want to say it doesn't matter to me. all that matters is that this is the most delicious ice cream on planet earth, period. tonight we savored the last of this guy, right after we finished watching the new narnia. we loved the movie so much we're just about to start round 2. i love spencer because he is just as nerdy as i am about fantasy, well lord of the rings and narnia in particular. those may be the only movies we'll ever own as a family (well hook for sure and maybe the fugitive too)
top 3 favorite movies or series:
1. hook/peter pan
2. all 3 extended versions of lord of the rings
3. all things narnia
today in church we learned that the time spent with our families is the best time spent. narnia, the shire and neverland, lulu, vanessa, you know what i am talking about. we learned great lessons about the world, change and the battles good vs evil on all those friday and saturday nights we spent watching these movies (who knew other kids "hung out" after school?) the times i cherish so close to my heart with my best friends.
to our families whom we love and miss so much
we love you.
spencer and olivia
I laughed so hard when I read this because our saturday night consisted of Nielsons ice cream watching the new Narnia, and we love the LOTR trilogy, the extended versioms are the best!
Are u calling us nerdy? Haha with josh as my husband we also own the harry potters, matrix trilogy, and of course the Star Wars original trilogy... Okay its a little nerdy ;-)
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