we made it to portland and have a couple hours of a layover so i'm going to write some of our experiences. we awoke bright and early at 530 this morning, made sure everthing was packed nice and tight and mary jane cruised us to the airport. we were a little confused by our itinerary so we asked a delta worker for some help and she told spencer "come on man, you're from my generation! even my grandma could do this!" not funny, spencer just shook his head as he read that line. so we checked in as good as granny and walked up to check our luggage. much to our dismay our luggage came in at a whopping 30 lbs over the minimum weight! 230 arizona teas (dollars) later we drug ourselves to the gate and were just in time to board the flight. so already we are learning great lessons on this little adventure of ours. i reminded spencer of emily and jeff's honeymoon where they had to fork out all the dough the earned from their wedding to pay for the flight to catch the cruise ship they missed and we laughed and missed our loved ones at home. we are so grateful for this opportunity to grow closer unto our Father in Heaven and Savior Jesus Christ who created this beauitful world that we may enjoy this earthly experience. i can't wait to be close to the ocean, what a humbling feeling to watch as the wise waves crash the shore bringing many gifts to beautify the earth. here's to being wiser waves, cheers! xoxo
the dude and his ladybird
i asked spence if he wanted to retake the picture
to get a better one and he said
"it doesn't get much better than that!" he is the most clever.
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Spencer the turd-le.
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